Quarantine and shelter-in-place has forced many musicians to get “creative” with how they use and share their gifts. Some have taken to co-writing and recording music remotely, from the comfort of their respective homes. A group of Minnesota musicians took that a step further, and decided to put together a compilation album focused primarily on songs created in the remote collaboration vein, and raise funds to help a fellow singer songwriter as she wages a battle with cancer. Jessa Roquet, known in the Twin Cities as “Gambler’s Daughter”, began her courageous battle right around the time quarantines began.

There are approximately 18 songs spanning various musical styles on the compilation, with over 40 artists contributing. Of note are eight fellow Midwest CMO-ers Tim Cheesebrow, Vicky Emerson, Ted Hajnasiewicz, Maygen Lacey (Maygen & The Birdwatchers), Mark Ganje (Famer’s Daughters), Jeremy Schreifels, Sarah Morris and Tim Sunde (MoeDeLL) – all collaborating on various pieces of work.
The collaborative approach was very organic, even without being in the same room with each other. And it went deep in this project, with musicians and songwriters jumping in to collaborate on a lyric, a riff, or add an instrument or vocal where needed. Two songs feature the bulk of the members. “I’ll Give You the Moon” was written by Tim Cheesebrow and Ted Hajnasiewicz, with each playing guitar and bass respectively. They also employed Jeremy Schreifels on drums, Mark Ganje on guitar, and featuring Maygen Lacey on lead vocals. “Your Face My Day” features Sarah Morris on vocals, Mark Ganje on guitars and Tim Sunde on bass.
The album, titled “Quarantine Dream”, is available NOW via Bandcamp. Here is a link https://quarantinedreammn.bandcamp.com/releases.
The group is asking for donations of any kind in exchange for a download of the album. All money raised will be given directly to Jessa to help pay the constantly mounting pile of medical bills.
The project itself is just one of many amazing collaborations that have happened since shelter-in-place began. Here’s hoping they continue even beyond quarantine, as making great music together is part of what makes the Midwest Country Music Organization so special.